(my mail server barfed over the weekend....resending)

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Dirk Meyer wrote:

> Wan Tat Chee wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I discovered that if I tried to use freevo & fbxine to playback DVDs
> > in fbdev mode (vesafb, NVIDIA GF4 MX440), it can't do so. xine (in X11
> > mode) is working fine, and so if running fbxine directly on the
> > commandline. 
> >
> > I believe its due to freevo's use of '-V vidixfb', via XINE_VO_DEV
> > which is set automatically in freevo_config.py when it sees fbdev.
> > Is there a way to override this in the local_config.py?
> Sure, that set XINE_VO_DEV to somethign else (maybe fb). But fb is
> very slow! But your problem with vidixfb may be that it requires root
> previleges. 

Well, AFAIK NVidia cards doesn't have vidix support, and yes, fb is slow
(but better than nothing). Otherwise, how do I override the default freevo
behavior to use xine? Removing the xine and fbxine lines from freevo.conf
doesn't change its behavior.

Also, XINE_VO_DEV is redefined in freevo_config.py, so setting it in
local_conf.py doesn't do anything useful.

The other thing is that currently, TV viewing and playback of recorded
movies uses mplayer, and playback of dvd uses xine. Shouldn't this be
consistent (either use mplayer exclusively, else xine + ???)?

Wan Tat Chee (Lecturer)
School of Computer Science, Univ. of Science Malaysia,
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.      Rm.625 Ofc Ph: +604 653-3888 x 3617
NRG Lab Admin: +604 659-4757           Rm.601-E Ofc Ph: +604 653-4396
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Web: http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan
GPG Key : http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan/tcw_gpg-20030322.asc
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