On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 15:15, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> Christophe PERINAUD wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hi
> > I would like to know if it could be possible to integrate the win32
> > version in the official freevo release. For now i am working on the
> > 1.3.4 trunk but as the 1.4 will be release soon i will have to patch
> > again all.
> Since there is 1.4rc1 out know and the code changed weeks ago, I don't
> think there is another way than redoing the work. But since you've
> done it once, it should be much faster the second time. But please try
> it first with 1.3.4 to see if it's doable.

it is best to patch again. alot of stuff has changed in the core and it
is better to be safe than sorry.

> > Is it possible to get only one trunk or does it have to be one for
> > linux and one for windows ?
> I thought about it. I guess you have three kinds of patches: the first
> changes some Linux-specific stuff into a more Python way of doing
> it. 1.4 already has some of these patches because of the BSD port. I
> don't see any reason why we should not include this. The second type
> is a small 'if' around some smaller blocks to do it the windows way
> and not like Linux would do it. I also don't see a reason here.
> But (there is always a but) I guess you can't port everything to
> windows. E.g. I don't thing you can read the device to check if it's a
> DVD or VCD. I would add 'Play DVD' to the menu and there better should
> be a DVD in the drive. I also would use ZoomPlayer for normal files
> and maybe WinDVD or PowerDVD for DVD/VCD discs. So you need extra
> plugins, maybe you don't need the current once, like xine.
> Conclusion: we have the Freevo core and some special plugins (and
> special settings in freevo_config.py). IMHO, it would be the best to
> patch the Freevo core that it works with windows, but we have a
> different repository with win32 stuff: config and plugins. To make a
> new win32 release, take the core (Unix release) and replace some
> plugins and the config. 

I would also vote for the core to be as platform neutral as possible and
use a different set of plugins for core things. I.E. I would make a new
platform dependant shutdown plugin for each platform(freebsd and linux
can share since in this aspect they are pretty similar, windows would
have to use a python win32 extension most likely). Also for things like
the mixer you would want a different platform dependant plugin. I would
also think you would want your own version of childapp because i don't
think the process stuff is portable to windoze. You would most likely
have to rewrite that with windows process handling stuff. Also i don't
think windows software has many slave mode applications so you may want
to just use the program in a popen type windows call.

> > Is it possible to have an official mailing list here just for win32
> > dev ?
> Yes. I don't care about windows. So if there will be a windows version
> of Freevo, the users and developers should use there own list. 

I would vote for a seperate list. Alot of what you will have trouble
with will be very particular to windows. most likely signal handling and
process handling issues and finding suitable replacement applications
when one of the linux or freebsd applications aren't applicable or
ported to windows. 

Mike Ruelle

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