
As recommanded by Dirk Meyer, I modified my plugin to be conformed with 

tiny_xosd is a replacement for tiny_osd which works with PyOsd (libxosd), so 
it works on all apps (freevo, mplayer, tvtime, xine).

To make it works you need python-osd, libxosd and xfree installed.
in local_conf.py, put the next lines :

It displays a message when event OSD_MESSAGE is sent by any part of freevo.

If message contains a percentage (ie : text xxx%), text is displayed and a 
gauge is generated with the given value.
If not, message is displayed as text only.
If text contains one '\n', it is displayed on two lines as well.

Best Regards,
BOFH excuse #150:

Arcserve crashed the server again.

B81AD6A6 -  638E A25A C5A4 C81A 4B98  CCC6 AFF7 FD7A B81A D6A6

Attachment: tiny_xosd.py
Description: application/python

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