
I've been getting some good bugreports, and I _hope_ most
of the stupid errors will be gone by now.

The new release has some new features.
+ New background thread for fetching mails
+ New daemonplugin for managing connections
+ New idlebarplugin for showing new mails
+ OSD_MESSAGE event when recieving new mails
+ alot of bugfixes

The most notable outstanding issues are:
- The daemonplugin fetches all mails during startup
  and can slow startup down if there are huge amounts
  of mail (or a slow connection)
- Improve the reader gui and probably needs better menu/skin
- Better connection handling when network or server is down
- Userfriendly errormsg's when commands are failing (popups)
- MBox delete function is not yet implemented

Please continue to send me bugreports if things keep failing.
I  only one man, and have limited resources to test.

Btw. could the freevo installer be updated to have an 'update'
plugin function?

Viggo Fredriksen

Attachment: freevo-mailreader-0.2.tgz
Description: application/compressed

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