I don't know if you can use UTF8 in an FXD XML file, but it works with XMLTV 
XML files. I use the following function to convert what the server gives me 
(windows 1215 charset) to UTF8 in pytvgrab. 

    def clean_char( self, contents ):
        Convert windows-1252 char's to UTF-8 encoding
        contents = unicode(contents, 'windows-1252')
        contents = contents.encode('utf-8')
        return contents

I hope this is usefull.


On Saturday 28 February 2004 18:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am currently developping a new video plugin similar to imdb.py, but for
> getting french comments and title for movies. The equivalent website for
> that in France is called 'allocine.fr'. The grabber works very well and
> give me all the needed information, but i have a big problem when i want
> to write the strings to the FXD files.
> 1 - I have created a plugins/fxdallocine.py and a video/plugins/allocine.py
> 2 - These files are copy of plugins/fxdimdb.py and video/plugins/imdb.py
> 3 - The problem is located in the str2XML function of fxdallocine.py (i
> think) because strings are now in French, with many accent, like é, è, à,
> and so on.
> 4 - So my big problem is :How to convert these characaters, where in the
> code and with which kind of code ???
> If someone can just give me an example to encode a string like
> "après leur échec pour éliminer Sarah Connor"
> in an FXD file, it would be great...
> Thanks by advance, Sylvain.
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