On Monday 28 June 2004 16:13, Mick wrote:
Quick solution :

        #if we have a progressive ntsc file, lock the output fps 
        if ("ivtc=1" in vf) or self.ntscprog:
            args.insert(0, "-ofps")
        #if we scale, use the bilinear algorithm
        if yscaled:
            args += ["-sws","1"]
        return args

I fucked up on the list code apparently, but never noticed as i use PAL :) 
Someone could donate me an NTSC dvd though ;)
I also noticed you changed args += ["-sws","1"] to args = ["-sws","1"] 
somewhere - that's bad ... really bad !

Please report back, but keep in mind i am very very busy atm. It could be a 
few days weeks before i respond (and before i release a new package).


> Michael,
> I'm afraid your on your own on this one.  Den_rdc, who wrote the plugin,
> may be able to help you.
> I use gentoo, and i'm not seeing the bug.  Maybe its bsd specific??  I have
> tested on a few "track 1" DVD's and they work fine.
> At a guess I would say your cropdetect iscoming up with no values, but what
> should happen is at least the same size values as the video.. very wierd.
> Look through the code and add some print statements along the way.
> Feel free to ask more Q's.  I'll try to help as you go...
> On a side note, the version you are using *is* outdated.  Your track
> lengths are going to be wrong, and as such your file size's are gong to be
> out.
> Bellow is the corrected Analyze source. Hopefuly den-rdc will update the
> download soon.
>     def _AnalyzeSource(self):
>         """Find out some basic information about the source
>         ATM we will blindly assume it's a dvdrom device or a disk dvd
> image, if a chapter is given"""
>         if self.chapter:
>             self.sourcetype = "dvd"
>             #check some things, like length
> ##~             mmpython.disc.ifoparser.open(self.source)
> ##~             data = mmpython.disc.ifoparser.title(self.chapter)
> ##~             self.length = data[2]
>             ddata = mmpython.parse(self.source)
>             self.length = ddata.tracks[(self.chapter - 1)].length
>             if DEBUG: print "Video length: %s" % self.length
>             #NI : maybe implement procedure to get resolution, handy for
> scaling/manual cropping
>             self._CropDetect()
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael
> > Osten
> > Sent: Monday, 28 June 2004 3:30 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Freevo-devel] Encodingserver problem
> >
> >
> >
> > I tried backing up a dvd that had both "widescreen" and "4.3" aspect
> > depending on what side you placed up in the dvd tray.  The widescreen
> > version bombed with the error posted in this thread, but the 4:3 aspect
> > side backed up correctly.  (this was title 7 out of 8 this time).
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