
Seems like you guys have been pretty busy this summer. Good work!

On Saturday 28 August 2004 11:44, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> Hi,

> Audio: the audio player is also working, but most plugins are not. The
> next thing I want to fix is the detach plugin and the detachbar. And
> the mplayervis plugin is completly broken, someone has to fix this. I
> heard you want to go to libvisual, this sounds great. Keep in mind
> that we don't use pygame anymore so you need to render in an imlib2
> image. Contact me if you have questions about the integration. And
> feel free to fix a plugin in the audio dir.

I've already started working on a new detached player view. There is a bug
when trying to detach, the screen is dimmed to black and focus is still on
the player for one more event. It also exits when the currently playing song
finishes. With the new Application code I'm uncertain on how to fix this, but
I'll take a look.

What I would like for the new detached player view, is a dedicated placeholder 
defined by the skin, which could be hidden when a fullscreen app like the
imageviewer takes control over the screen. The problem with this is that it
might take up valuable screen space when it's not in use. Any good ideas?
Maybe use the zindex to draw it in the bg somewhere - but where to put it
so it doesn't get obfuscated by text or images drawn above it?

Further, I would like to have some dedicated events for controlling the
detached player - so one could control it with remotes that has own buttons
for this. It should be pretty easy to do, but I would like to do it more 
proper than my last hackish attempt to do it. Any pointers?

I'm also interested in trying to get libvisual working. But as my C-skills
leaves much to be desired, don't expect too much ( eg. pygoom :). I'm also
pretty busy with school, so I don't know if I'll ever get the time.

As for the mplayervis, I don't see much point in fixing pygoom when libvisual
seems to be a much more appropriate solution for the next release anyway.

> Idlebar: most plugisn don't work, only two: logo and clock. But it's
> not that hard to reactivate them. Please do if you like.

I've ported the __init__.py plugins, I'll send patches when I'm finished
with the rest.

> Now I have some design / skin questions: if you seek in mplayer or
> press DISPLAY, what do you want to see? How should it look like? I
> will code this, but I need cool ideas. Maybe someone can use Gimp to
> create a fake screenshot how it should look like? 

I haven't looked at the existing bmovl stuff for mplayer, but I quite like
the screenshot from MeBox - it's for live-tv, but could just as well be used
for other video media.
 - http://sault.org/mebox/images/livetv2.png

> Dischi


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