Eric Bus wrote:
> Dirk Meyer wrote:
>> We should discuss this more deeply because I also plan to support a
>> better osd for Freevo. Current cvs can draw any canvas object from
>> mebox on mplayer using bmovl or bmovl2. Try current cvs and press
>> DISPLAY or seek while watching a video (no support for that in tv
>> yet).
> The current version of the Timeshifting plugin also uses Mevas's
> bmovl2 support to draw the OSD. I rewrote the plugin to use the Freevo
> implementation of Mevas.
> I think one main OSD plugin would be the best approach for both TV
> (both live and timeshifting) and video. Although both OSD's are quite
> different I guess we can bring some shared functionality to this
> plugin. We could at least use the same colors and images :)


> We could discuss the subject more on #freevo or on the mailinglist. I
> guess more people have thoughts about this subject :)

Good idea. All ideas and help is welcome.

>> And if someone has some time: port noad (google noad vdr) to read any
>> kind of mpeg and create a mplayer edl.
> Noad is always run on the completed recording, right? Not that
> realtime commercial break detection is very useful, because you can
> easily fast forward instead.

It runs not only on finished recordings but it only works for vdr
recordings. BTW, can someone tell the current status of a vdr
integration here?


If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?

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