Damit, my mail yesterday got lost :(

Rob Shortt wrote:
> Yes, back to your DVB:XMLTV mapping problem.  

Yes, my old problem and I want to solve it now once and for all. 

> Since no channels as defined by the DVB stream have anything in
> common with your XMLTV source.


> So far, the only solution to this problem that I have found is that
> users that are in this situation MUST define these channels in
> TV_CHANNELS with the access id being the DVB name (for DVB-T at least)
> or service ID.

And this is bad. Defining the TV_CHANNELS is way to complicated.
Scanning the card may help us detecting the channels.

> channel-> frequency comes from the chanlists defined in
> v4l_frequencies.py, and the XMLTV data defines the channel (tuner id).
> A chanlist is just a broad range of possible channels for a particular
> area.  I am using the us-cable chanlist and it defines way more channels
> than I have but that doesn't matter, nor is it the point.  It's just a
> mapping, in case I want to tune to channel "50" we know what frequency
> to set the analoge tuner to.  The channels that I want to use are
> defined by my XMLTV data, which I have the privalege of configuring for
> my own use (I don't think all grabbers or providers support that).

That doesn't matter. When scanning we can detect what channels are
there and what not. 

>> 2. Where can you get the channel->dvb-name mapping. I know no source
>>    at all with that kind of data, but we could start such a db.
> So, channels.py is this db?  

Right. This file should be our database.

> I guess maintaining such a database will solve the problem but the DVB
> name depends on what your provider has set and any change will result in
> breakage.  There are other deffinitions in the DVB stream / tables that
> you should be able to use more reliably.

Maybe the service id may help us (see below).

> Also, have you looked at using a different channels.conf format?  The
> one you're using now relies on the DVB name as the defining factor which
> isn't that reliable IMO.  The VDR 1.3.x format is consistent accross
> DVB-C/S/T I think, and exposes the channels Service ID (SID).

I was thinking about creating our own channels.conf format, including
dvb and analog settings. 

> Now, in the past, it is this SID (just like a numeric tuner ID) that
> made the correlation to my XMLTV data, for example channel 203 in my
> XMLTV data was the same as the DVB channel defined by SID 203 - and in
> almost every case the XMLTV display name and the DVB name were different.

Right, the name is different very often. That's why I wanted a
mapping. But maybe the SIDs may help. We (Soenke and I) will try to
find a nice solution tomorrow at our 'Freevo TV Hacking Day 2' about
tuners and autodetection (BTW, 'Hacking Day 3' could be about adding
teletext support)

>> Comments / better suggestions / help ???
> Can you check if your DVB provider broadcasts a Service ID for your
> channels?  Also, have you looked into the VDR 1.3.x channels.conf format?

We will do that.


Is that a 286 or are you just running Windows?

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