Bastian Farkas wrote:
> i'm not familiar with the current code, but a more appropriate approach
> would be to include it in the skinfile.
> On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 15:55 +0000, Justin Wetherell wrote:
>> I was wondering (if it's not already possible) if you could add an
>> option to __init__ maye a set_font_color to Item(), VideoItem(), and
>> AudioItem()? And maybe the ability to do the same with font size?
>> So maybe I could do something along these lines:
>> VideoItem.__init__(self, '', parent, fontcolor=red)
>> or
>> videoitem.set_font_color(red)

Right, skin file. The question is: why do you need it? A video item is
not red or blue, a video item may be already seen, new, not for
children, etc. All this are attributes of the video item. And the skin
should set colors based on the attributes, like if new then red else

The current engine can do that more or less, the new one should be
able to do that in a much better way.


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