On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 11:24 +0200, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> Nice work. I see that INotify doesn't work in subdirs. So I guess the
> logic for beacon will be the following:

Right.  Actually there was talk about making something like that
possible but it may be another mechanism than notify.  But inotify
should scale well -- it doesn't require a separate descriptor for each
monitor, unlike dnotify.

> start crawler for dir x. When a subdir is checked (without it
> subdirs), add INotify for it if possible and drop it from the crawl
> again list.

Yes, that sounds right.  Also the client should put a monitor on the
database file so it can be notified of changes.  Or -- maybe that's not
really necessary.  All writes happen through beacon server, so couldn't
beacon notify the clients when the db has changed?


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