On Monday 01 January 2007 14:30, Andrew Flegg wrote:
> On 1/1/07, Stephan Kanthak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I posted it already over a year ago, but I have a working setup for my
> > 16:9 plasma TV (848x480), together with a 16:9 theme that I designed
> > myself. It's running perfectly at home for about 2 years now.
> Looks interesting. Attached are two screenshots of my new theme,
> Panorama - it's basically just blurr with all the images squashed
> horizontally to 75% of their original size (making them the correct
> aspect ratio when stretched on an widescreen/16:9 TV).

When I started on my box I considered anamorphic rendering and static
stretching by the plasma display, too. But I think it's the wrong
approach, mainly because of the problems you've already encountered.
A central instance in Freevo that takes care of different display aspect
ratios would be much better compared to the need to make changes to a lot
of plugins. Maybe it's already on the list for 2.x. On my box, Freevo
renders at 848x480 which is the native resolution of the display, maybe
that is fixed already in 1.7.x, I still use 1.5.3/1.5.4.

> Also attached is a patch (against v1.7.0-rc1) to add a skin variable
> of "anamorphic" (defaulting to false) which, when set, tells
> view_area.py and tvlistings_area.py to shrink images horizontally at
> runtime. The start of a theme using that is here:
>     http://www.bleb.org/software/panorama-skin.tar.gz (1.3MB)
> I've not created a tracker issue for it as I'm not sure what to do
> about things like plugins (e.g. weather) which plot images at runtime
> too. It looks like it's feasible to modify these to look at the
> anamorphic flag too, and use pygame.transform.scale, but that's only
> feasible for in-tree plugins - any thoughts? Or would it be better to
> take a more generic approach (perhaps scale anything unless it's
> somehow flagged as already being anamorphic)?

I smell that pygame.transform.scale uses software scaling, which should
not be used by default in my view.

> Thanks in advance,
> Andrew

Stephan Kanthak, Dipl.-Informatiker                    mobil: +49 177 2731050
IT-Ingenieur, Markt 1-3, 52062 Aachen                    email: [EMAIL 

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