Tanja wrote:
> Hi
> Seems that I do have a problem with the time format here.
> I guess I will have to look into this.
> The grabber works perfectly with freevo-1.x.
> Do you have any hints on this?

Looking at the code I see
| secs = time.mktime(strptime.strptime(timestr, xmltv.date_format))

But I have no idea where it is defined or if it is even used. The part
where you see the crash the mapping is
| fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
| if len(child.content) == 4:
|     fmt = "%Y"

> ValueError: time data did not match format:  data=1994/95  fmt=%Y-%m-%d

... while this looks kind of strange (1994/95). Besides, it would be
nice not to use your code to map epgdata.com -> XMLTV -> kaa.epg but
to add a source grabber directly into kaa.epg.


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