Duncan Webb wrote:
> Dirk Meyer wrote:
>> Duncan Webb wrote:
>>> I have this in __main__, so I would expect the Ctrl-C exit
>>> (basically the stop command) to print something.
>>> |try:
>>> |    main()
>>> |except Exception, why:
>>> |    traceback.print_exc()
>>> |    print why
>>> |print 'done.'
>> You will not see print why because SystemExit will be handled
>> internally and kaa.main.run would just stop without exception. But you
>> should see 'done'
> Exactly what happens

So it is working :)

>> Looking at current rel-1:
>> | try:
>> |     # signal handler
>> |     signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
>> |     signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
>> | |     [...]
>> | |     kaa.main.run()
>> | | | except KeyboardInterrupt:
>> |     print 'Shutdown by keyboard interrupt'
>> |     # Shutdown the application
>> |     shutdown()
>> | | except SystemExit:
>> |     pass
>> | | except Exception, e:
>> |     _debug_('Crash!: %s' % (e), config.DCRITICAL)
>> Please remove the signal handler here, let kaa base handle this. You
>> will also _never_ see 'Shutdown by keyboard interrupt' because kaa
>> handles this as well. If you want to clean up on shutdown, either
>> register a callback to kaa.main.siganls['shutdown'] or do this after
>> all exception handling. BTW, you will also never run into except
>> SystemExit.
> I've added some prints into notifier main and the signal handler never
> gets called, after pressing ctrl-c.
> What happens is that the signal handler is installed at the very
> beginning of the program. This is before DirectFB is started and I
> guess that DirectFB installed it's own signal handlers and the last
> installed signal handler is used first so DirectFB exits before kaa
> has seen the ctrl-c.

Which signal handler? Yours (see above) or the one from kaa main?

> Freevo runs twice at start up, so it looks like the kaa signal handler
> is not being installed

That could be a thread somehow.


Regarding security, WindowsNT is an OS with a 'Kick me' sign stuck on
it's back.

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