>  I think that we discuss this on the devel list, as IIRC dischi and jason
>   did some analysis of xml parsers.
>  In freevo-1, at the moment there are already several parsers:
>  http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/
>  elementtree and
>  beautifulsoup.
>  All have advantages and disadvantages. I agree with dischi, just because
>   something has not been updated it does not mean that it is bad, take
>  TeX for example, the only know program with no know bugs and when was
>  that last updated?
>  Rewriting code, just because a library has not been updated, is not one
>  of my favourite tasks.

For that matter both libdvdread and libdvdcss (needed to play those
commercial dvds) have not been update in a long time but they still
work exactly like they are supposed too.


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