Hi, Duncan and all,

I should have written since long, but as I was a little overbooked, I 
wasn't able to do a correct report.

First, I never was able to watch TV on my system (PVR-350 based) test 
system since the beginning of freevo 1.8.4

I had a lot of troubles when trying to select a channel, but to be 
honest, I didn't record the troubles. At least, when I was able to see a 
TV channel, the system (in loglevel 1) was still speaking, even in an 
idle state.

So, I tried to go back to 1.8.3, and had also some troubles to do tat 
(these troubles were mine ;-) )

Finally, I setup a clean 1.8.3 system : working.
I then applied my patches about setting the soung : working.
And I currently testing vbi2srt with my patches : not all test finished, 
but, as vbi2srt use external routines already changed to select the 
filenames, it seems that this is also working.

After finishing these tests, I'll try agin to setup a 'clean' 1.8.4 svn 
system, but I'm a little astonished : nobody else had trouble with the 
svn version and a PVR card ?

If someone can confirm that PVR card works well with the SVN, I'll have 
to search further on my system.


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