On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:49 AM, A Mennucc <deb...@tonelli.sns.it> wrote:
> hi, I checked thru the code, and saw that 'ENTER' is actually used in
> few points around; so yesterday I prepared this patch (that is only a
> first draft) against SVN. (This patch does not apply to 1.8.3 in one
> easily fixable point).
> Here is the rationale. I have 4 remotes for modern player devices;
> all of them share (at least) these features:
> - 4 directional keys (kind of a 'joystick') with a center key, called 'GO' or 
> 'OK' or 'SELECT'
> - a 'Power' key
> - a 'Menu' key
> I rearranged the freevo event system so that:
> - the 'GO' (or 'OK' or 'SELECT') remote key is mapped to an unique 'SELECT' 
> event
> - similarly, the keyboard keys SPACE ENTER KEYPADENTER are all mapped to the 
> 'SELECT' event
> - the 'ENTER' event is abolished from freevo, I  always remapped it to 
> The final version of the patch will change the GUI to behave according
> to this general rationale.
> 1) in each and every situation in which the enduser wants to select,
>  or enter, or OK, a situation/submenu-item/dialog, then the SELECT button(s)
>  will be the one and only button to do that
> 2) in each and every situation in which the enduser wants to
>  open a submenu to access all available actions and/or
>  configure extra options , then the MENU button
>  will be the one and only button to do that
> 3) the 'power' button will bring the enduser to the main menu
>  (if not already there); when pressed in the main menu,
>  it will open the shutdown dialog
> The attached patch does implement 1,2 but not 3.
> YET TODO: In my TODO list is to code (3) above; also to map the 'MENU'
> key that is nowadays in many keyboards (it is the key between ALT and
> CTRL) to the 'MENU_SUBMENU' EVENT; and keep the 'HOME' keyboard key
> attached to 'MENU_GOTO_MAINMENU'
> The patch already abolishes the confusion between 'ENTER' and 'SELECT'
> for me, so I am already enjoying it.
> Note that the patch is quite small.. (and in many places it just
> changes comments and help lines) this testifies that the 'enter' event
> was not really needed.
> I wrote the patch before reading your answers, please comment on it,
> at the same time I will try to change it to reflect any ideas of you.
> a.
> ps: in preparing the patch, I noted that there may be some confusion
> between POWER and SHUTDOWN around... I will look into that as well

I have not tried this patch yet, but the idea might also make making
things in the DVD events like main menu button make more sense so that
it can be a normal event instead of a custom on in  the localconfig.py
As there is not a default mapping for it I have to add one.


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