On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 11:54 +0100, John Molohan wrote:
> I'm just looking at the main site and kaa isn't really mentioned 
> anywhere. I think we'd talked about this before and you or Dischi were 
> going to write up a paragraph or two about it and I'll throw it up.

I think I'd rather wait until an official 0.99.0 release before we
announce it on the main site.  I want to get the docs fleshed out some
more, and write a tutorial.

Kaa is not really a user-centric thing, it's more for developers, so we
should be a little bit careful as to how it's presented on the website
so as not to distract visitors from the main prize.

> Would it be worth linking to http://doc.freevo.org/api/kaa/base/ from 
> the main site or should it point to http://doc.freevo.org/2.0/Kaa?

The wiki is really obsolete.  I'm increasingly less inclined
(decreasingly inclined? increasingly declined?) to have any wiki at all
for Kaa.  Instead, I want to work towards very good documentation.

The URL for the docs is going to change to
http://doc.freevo.org/kaa/base/ (the /api part removed).

Once I do all the rejigging and get some more documentation in play (at
least the tutorial), and dischi gets a chance to voice his opinion (he's
still out on vacation), we can do a 0.99.0 release.


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