El 04/01/15 20:20, Dirk Meyer escribió:
> Hi,
> On 04.01.2015 13:16, Pablo Casas Estévez wrote:
>> INFO stack(137): delete menu with only one item
>> ERROR client(351): Received notification from beacon server for unknown
>> query id 13
>> ================= ... but it works...more or less. Do I have to
>> configure something at config-file?
> There were several nasty bugs in Freevo and kaa.beacon when going into
> directories while the metadata is being generated. Since mine is already
> scanned, I did not see it. Update and it should work. BTW, always update
> Freevo AND all required kaa modules to be sure it works together.
Ok, now I started using git  :D   (Thank you again) . now I use this
"little" script as root.  XD

Should affect the order of installing modules to the result?


cd freevo2
git pull
python setup.py install
cd ..

cd kaa-base
git pull
python setup.py install
cd ..

cd kaa-beacon
git pull
python setup.py install
cd ..

cd kaa-candy
git pull
python setup.py install
cd ..

cd kaa-imlib2
git pull
python setup.py install
cd ..

cd kaa-metadata
git pull
python setup.py install
cd ..

cd kaa-webmetadata
git pull
python setup.py install
cd ..

>> ## Playing music:
>> ==========
>> I would like to see the info-box song while I listen to music, now it is
>> shown when a song starts and after 2-3 seconds it fades out showing only
>> the background.
>> I've seen that if I seek forward it comes again, but after 2-3 seconds
>> it fades out again.
> It is a feature :) Today was the last vacation day for me. So to avoid
> the idea getting lost, can you add an issue on the github issue tracker.
> As a short fix, you can adjust to timeout value in the audio.xml file to
> a very high value (search for autohide=5, two matches)
Thank you, I've just posted an issue.

>> ## At config file: ('scan' variable)
>> ==========
>> I get this for pictures config.
>> # | The variable 'scan' is hours between automatic rescan. If
>> # | the value is 0, the directory will only be scanned if not
>> # | known to Freevo. If set to -1 the directory and all
>> # | subdirectories will be monitored for changes.
>> If this is the same for audio config, it should be also next to audio
>> config in order to explain what is 'scan' variable.
> Fixed.
>> ## Browsing audio
>> ==========
>> (see pictures "screenshot1.png" and "screenshot1b.png")
>> When selected object is a folder: It makes no sense repeat the name of
>> the album below the picture. It would be more interesting showing some
>> other information such folder contents, total time...  instead.  (see
>> screenshot1b.png)
> Done
OMG!. 8-O   I thought this change was going to take you much more time. 
Now looks well and if you select "ramdom playlist" total of items and
time are also shown. I like it.  :)

>> On the other hand I can't distinguish if item is a folder or is a song.
>> Maybe songs should add its track-number (or its length) in some way (I
>> mean by retrieving them from its own metadata, an not from its file-name).
> It is confusing for audio items without a trackno. It will look like a
> directory. But I'm open for other ideas.
Ok, I'll give you some of them, give me some time to think about it.

>> ## Showing album's covers
>> ===========
>> Well, I've scaled freevo2 at 1.77777 aspect to simulate a full HD
>> (1066x600px). Square covers are not deformed, but if I change to
>> "default" size 800x600.... covers are stretched. I don't like very much
>> to see deformed images. The same happens at other resolutions that
>> aren't 1.7777 aspect. (see screenshot2.png).
> Yes. The theme is designed for 16:9. For other resolutions a different
> theme file is required. Right now the GUI will always rendered in full
> HD and scaled down to your window size.
I see. Then, it doesn't makes much sense to set default size at 800x600
or, as you say: a "blue" theme at 800x600 is needed.
Where can I find how to make a theme? is has the same rules as freevo1.9x?
>> ## Full Screen option
>> ===========
>> Although I set Full-Screen at config-file freevo2 continues in a window
>> named "python". (see screenshot3.png) and it is under dash and system
>> menu ribbon. I think it could be unity environment, but I'm not very sure.
>> Does freevo2 intended to be used in a desktop environment? or it is only
>> for dedicated machines (without desktop environment)?
> The idea is to have a media PC with Freevo always running fullscreen
> without window manager.
Ok, in my case I use Freevo 1.9x with a wireless combo (keyboard and
mouse), to manage freevo only a keyboard is needed, but sometimes I need
to launch nautilus pe. to organize files. Will we (users) have a chance
to launch some applications in windowed mode?  Nowadays my desktop
environment couples very well with freevo 1.9x

Yes, I can access filesystem via SSH to change files, but don't expect
"normal" users to do that. Normal users installs software from "ubuntu
software center", launches them by clicking on an icon, and next they
expect to find some kind of guide for the first steps, or a wonderful
"setup" gui. So they use nautilus to copy files from pendrives and so on.

On the other hand, if there is something I like from freevo that makes
the difference with others HTPC systems is just the power of launching
apps. I mean "command menu" as well as "games menu". Yes, a desktop
environment is behind, but I don't see it if I don't want to. I simply
start freevo 1.9x by adding it as an item at "start up applications"
(obviously user logging is done automatically). If I have to move a
movie from one folder to another, I just launch "nautilus" from command
menu and the work is done, it's fast and I don't have to close and
re-launch freevo again, when I close nautilus, freevo takes control of
the full screen again.

>> ## Detach player option
>> ===========
>> ¿Is the Detach music player available? ¿what is the key?
> It is not working right now. Again, please add an issue on github.
Done, I think next time I should better post at issues track directly.  :)

> Maybe I'm wishing too much. But I think these are the minimal questions
> to solve to get audio menu working fine.
> I'm happy to get feedback for 2.0. It works great for me and I would
> love to have more people using Freevo 2.0 and maybe start writing more
> plugins.
Thanks again for your effort and support.

This is the last question:
Is there a defined "set" of icons that freevo2 needs to work ?.  I've
browsed folders on code and seen Themes/blue/... icons, folders mimetype
icons....  audio.xml... video.xml....main.xml....  are those the files
that define the "blue" layout?. I think so. You said that you wanted a
better image or photo icon. Is that what I attached?

Have a nice day at work, I still have a couple of days.

Best regards. Pablo33
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