"fleet44" wrote:
> since i don't know python i just explain how it could work.  first
> you put all filenames of a directory or which are in a playlist in
> one string-array. then for playing back those files you use for
> example a for statement. for normal playback it would just go
> through the array and play one file after another and stop after the
> last item is played. now you could easily implement a repeat
> function. you just have to put an if statement in the for statement
> that jumps to the first item when the counter goes one step further
> as the array has indexes. i would really appreciate comments and
> critics if its not applicable for freevo.

That more or less the way we do it. We have internal playlists when
playing all items. Only the repeat ist missing, maybe a button (toggle
repeat = no/all/this_file) while playing.


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