The Freevo binary .tar.gz releases contain ~95% of the dependencies, the rest being your distrobution and maybe X if you need it for tv-out. You should be able to install any linux distribution you want with minimal packages and have it work just fine. If you build your own runtime (ie: dynamicly linked instead of static binaries) that will save you some disk space if you need.

I think Freevix does use a smaller C library which its apps are built upon so that may save you some room if you take that route.


Q wrote:
Can you possibly release a version Freevo specifically designed and built for use with damn small Linux? I am desperate to see a HTPC system that will fit on a small Linux distro that can be installed on a 128MB/256MB/512MB/1Gig USB 2.0 key or another flash device and act as a dedicated HTPC system. Really I dont need a desktop as such (although having the option of basic X functionality with acceleration for gaming would be nice). I'm trying to build a dedicated HTPC system, which means I don't really want/need a huge Linux distro to do it. All I want is a nice
graphical boot, and as soon as the OS has booted (which should take zero time for a USB 2.0 key or other flash device) I want to be able to boot directly into Freevo, with no intervention from me and no indication of the
underlying OS. (No scrolling text, or confusing commands to enter etc). All I want is to use an IR remote again perhaps via a USB IR hub to control everything. In other words, no need for a keyboard unless something breaks).
Damn small Linux seems like an ideal base for something like that.

I am not totally hung on the idea of installing a Freevo OS/distribution on a flash memory card/usb device either. What I am aiming for, what I would love to see is a persistant OS that more or less worked like my DVD player. After all, it takes virtually no time to boot a dvd player. I only wish to see the same happen with my Freevo HTPC system.

Please advise. What is your view on this?


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