Monday, November 10, 2003, 4:15:07 PM, Dirk wrote:

> Matthew Bettencourt wrote:
>> I am having problems in two areas, one is more important than the
>> other. Webradio.  This used to  work under a moded 1.3.4 and no longer
>> does under 1.4rc3.  What I have is the plugin activated and when I go
>> to play a station it comes up and then goes away and nothing happens.
>> Now, I can play these stations via mplayer rstp://....  and that works
>> fine so I don't think it is my system.  Any ideas.

> Yes, it's a unicode bug. It's fixed in CVS and rc4 later today. 

Yeah i can confirm this is fixed in rc4. IIRC webradio is stored
in a gxine-mediamarks xml file and when a webradio station is configured
manualy like this

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <logo source="/media/music/"></logo>

It doesn't work.

Worked ok in 1.3.4. Is the gxine-mediamarks xml format the preferred
format now. ?


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