Using the instructions from the Freevo web site, I installed Freevo 1.4
and the Freevo runtime under a non-root user on my Debian Woody machine.

Under X (freevo.conf: display=x11), while logged in as the non-root user, 
freevo comes up fine.

Using the framebuffer (freevo.conf: display=fbdev), however, I get the
following exception when trying to execute freevo as the non-root user:
File ".../freevo/freevo-1.4/src/", line 405, in __init__
pygame.error: No available video device

Thinking this was because of some permission problem trying to access the 
framebuffer device, I added the non-root user to the video group (which
is the group assigned to the /dev/fb* entries).  No change.  Then, I
noticed that the video group did not have read permission on the /dev/fb* 
entries, so I added those.  I was still unable to get freevo to work, but 
I got a little bit different exception:
File ".../freevo/freevo-1.4/src/", line 405, in __init__
pygame.error: No I/O port permissions

At this point, I had no idea where to look next (I actually looked at the 
SDL source code for the initialize function involved, but didn't have
time to really study it).  So, I tried executing freevo as root.  This
worked, but the screen looked awful (like it was not enough color depth
or something).

Thus, I have two questions:

1. Why, using fbdev, can't I run freevo as a non-root user?
2. Why, using fbdev, does the screen look so rough?


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