
thanks for the example. It has been added to the RecordingInfo page. I
left it using CD IN as the source but used the avi recording rather than
the nuv.


On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 12:29, Bart Heremans wrote:
> Hi,
> I had the same problem like you, sound when capturing but not when I
> played the file after it was captured.
> I had the same problems with the tvrecord script posted in freevo wiki.
> When I use alsamixer I have to set CD to capture (no line in inside my
> pc, only cd in, so I use that) and I have to activate with the alsamixer
> the capture.
> WHen I start freevo and I play some files and I look with alsamixer the
> line is muted and set to nul (but i use cd so no problem so far, but I
> problem for you) and the capture is deactivated. The tvrecord script in
> the wiki wil unmute tv line and set it to capture but will not activate
> the capture control.
> THe tvrecord uses smixer, I can't activate the capture control with
> smixer So I have a modified script that uses amixer, here it is :
> cut-------------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> # use with this VCR_CMD:
> # VCR_CMD = ('/usr/local/freevo_data/tvrecord/tvrecord %(channel)s
> %(seconds)s "%(filename)s"')
> CHAN=$1
> TIME=$2
> NAME=$3
> WIDTH=360
> HEIGHT=288
> MENCODER=/usr/bin/mencoder
> AMIXER=/usr/bin/amixer
> NICE="nice -n -20"
> AUDIO="-oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=256:mode=0"
> VIDEO="-ovc nuv -nuvopts q=255"
> #VIDEO="-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1600"
> DSP="adevice=/dev/sound/dsp"
> TV=" -tv
> driver=v4l:width=$WIDTH:height=$HEIGHT:outfmt=yuy2:input=0:device=/dev/v4l/video0:norm=PAL:chanlist=europe-west:channel=$CHAN:$DSP"
> $AMIXER -q sset CD 87% mute
> $AMIXER -q sset Capture 87%
> $AMIXER -q cset numid=30 1    # select capture source, 30 is capture source
> control, 1 = cd (4 = line)
> $AMIXER -q cset numid=31 1    # set capture source switch to 1 (= on)
> $NICE $MENCODER tv:// $TV $VIDEO $AUDIO -endpos $TIME -o "$NAME.nuv"
> #$NICE $MENCODER tv:// $TV $VIDEO $AUDIO -endpos $TIME -ffourcc divx -o 
> "$NAME.avi"
> cut-------------------------------------
> I'm using nuv for recording (epia not to powerfull), other example is
> commented.
> You have to change the script for your card.
> numid=30 is the mixersource for my soundcard, 'ceset numdid=30 1 ' is to
> select the cd as capture source (0 = mic, 1 = cd, 4 = line) 
> and numid=31 is the capture switch
> run "amixer controls" to get the numid's
> run "amixer cset numid=30" to get the capture source items (change
> numid=30 with yor capture source), I think you will take 4, the line in
> so 'amixer cset numid=30 4' to select line in as capture
> I hope you will understand it.
> Bart
> On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 20:07, Alex Cruz wrote:
> >  Ok, I've tried a few of the tricks on the Wiki and my video recording is 
> > almost where I want it but for some reason, I can't get the audio portion to 
> > work. I mean no sound whatsoever. I have a WinTV PCI card (bt878) and the 
> > line in works nicely during TV watching. I tried enabling the line in with 
> > this command: "aumix -l 80 -l R" and I hear sound during the recording, but 
> > when I play it back there is nothing. So, if anyone has a surefire command 
> > line, I would greatly appreciate you posting it. Thanks.
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