Hi everyone!

The last days I spent some time on setting up the recordserver (using
freevo an a daily basis for have a year now).
For viewing live tv, I'm using tvtime.
In general, the record-server is running fine, but on some Channels the
record-server crashes like this:

-- snip --
2004/02/21 18:30 CET [*RecordServer*] Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/python/log.py", line 52, in 
            return context.call({ILogContext: newCtx}, func, *args, **kw)
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 32, 
in callWithContext
            return func(*args,**kw)
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/internet/default.py", line 
122, in run
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/internet/default.py", line 
130, in mainLoop
        --- <exception caught here> ---
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/internet/base.py", line 368, 
in runUntilCurrent
            call.func(*call.args, **call.kw)
          File "/usr/local/freevo/src/helpers/recordserver.py", line 865, in 
          File "/usr/local/freevo/src/tv/plugins/generic_record.py", line 113, in 
            frequency = self.fc.chanSet(str(rec_prog.tunerid), 'record plugin')
          File "/usr/local/freevo/src/tv/channels.py", line 151, in chanSet
            return self.tunerSetFreq(chan, app, app_cmd)
          File "/usr/local/freevo/src/tv/channels.py", line 165, in tunerSetFreq
            freq = tv.freq.CHANLIST[vg.tuner_chanlist][str(chan)]
        exceptions.KeyError: 'U21'
-- snip --

For a different channel, I followed back the problem in the source-code,
so Ii think that tvtime seems to use different names for the channels
than freq.py uses...

As I said, my config is set up for tvtime...


-- snip --
        ('CNI0DC1',     'ARD',          'E10'),
        ('CNI0DC2',     'ZDF',          'E8'),
        ('CNI0DB9',     'Sat.1',        'E9'),
        ('CNI0DAB',     'RTL',          'E11'),
        ('CNI0D94',     'Pro7',         'S20'),
        ('CNI0D8E',     'VOX',          'S11'),
        ('CNI0D92',     'Kabel 1',      'S06'),
        ('CNI0D8F',     'RTL 2',        'S13'),
        ('CNI0DE6',     'WDR',          'S22'),
        ('CNI0DC7',     '3sat',         'S09'),

        ('CNI0D8C',     'N-TV',         'S05'),
        ('CNN',         'CNN',          'S12'),
        ('BBC',         'BBC',          'S14'),
        ('CNI0D7A',     'N24',          'S25'),
        ('CNI0D8D',     'DSF',          'S23'),
        ('CNI0D91',    'EuroSport',    'U22'),

        ('CNIFFEF',    'MTV',          'U21'),
        ('CNI0D88',    'VIVA',         'U26'),
        ('viva2.de',   'VIVA2',        'U24'),

        ('CNI0DDC',     'RBB Berlin',   'E6'),
        ('CNI0D82',     'RBB Brand.',   'E7'),
        ('tvb.de',      'TVB',          'S07'),
        ('CNI0DCB',     'BR',           'S24'),
        ('CNI0D85',     'arte',         'S04'),
        ('CNI0DD4',     'NDR',          'S17'),
        ('CNI0DC8',     'Phoenix',      'S19'),
        ('xxp.de',      'XXP',          'S35')
-- snip --

In the traceback python bails out at U21, but I tested also Kabel 1 with
S06, which crashed (Pro7 also crashed, and maybe more, if I would test
everything...). I tested ARD, ZDF, Sat.1 and RTL, which worked great.

I tried removing the U before the U-Channels I have (because I saw, that
they seemed to be declared that way in freq.py) but then tvtime did not
know anything about those channels anymore...

Here my system-info:

freevo-cvs (just before dischi started to check in the new skin-stuff a 
           few days ago)
mmpython-cvs from same day (both grabbed from nightly snapshots)

I'm living in Germany, so using europe-west.

Am I overseeing something obvious or does record-server + tvtime not
work that smoothly?

Either way, great project and I love my freevo :))


http://www.matronix.de - http://www.elektronik-kompendium.de/public/borchers

 19:12:32 up 1 day,  6:37,  1 user,  load average: 0.22, 0.20, 0.18

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