
won't be able to get to it until the weekend. I fixed the multiple dir problem by 
changing some test that used to use if <some variable we expect to be submitted>: type 
tests. These don't work if you construct unicode strings from them. You might want to 
see if k-s (gustavo) can help you he did most of the unicode conversion in the 
webserver. Otherwise i will make another attempt over the weekend.

Michael Ruelle
> hi,
> Mike thanks for fixing the multiple dir prob in library.rpy but there
> is still an unicode prob one level deeper.
> Entering a mp3 dir with some é chars results in
> web.Server Traceback (most recent call last):
> exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x94 in position 
> 4: ordinal not in range(128)
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/web/, line 159 in process
> 157    try:
> 158      resrc =
> 159      self.render(resrc)
> 160    except:
> Selfsite twisted.web.server.Site instance @ 0x40c8638c
>  <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x40c8638c> 
> Localsresrc __builtin__.LibraryResource instance @ 0x40fef88c
>  <__builtin__.LibraryResource instance at 0x40fef88c> 
> self twisted.web.server.Request instance @ 0x4106068c
>  <GET /library.rpy?media=music&dir=/media/audio/Jazz%20Tunes HTTP/1.1> 
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/web/, line 166 in render
> 164  def render(self, resrc):
> 165    try:
> 166      body = resrc.render(self)
> 167    except UnsupportedMethod, e:
> Localsresrc __builtin__.LibraryResource instance @ 0x40fef88c
>  <__builtin__.LibraryResource instance at 0x40fef88c> 
> self twisted.web.server.Request instance @ 0x4106068c
>  <GET /library.rpy?media=music&dir=/media/audio/Jazz%20Tunes HTTP/1.1> 
> GlobalsUnsupportedMethod <class twisted.web.server.UnsupportedMethod at 
> 0x40c754ac> 
> /usr/local/freevocvs/src/www/, line 137 in render
> 135      return '<h1>401 Authentication required</h1>'
> 136    else:
> 137      return self._render(request)
> 138
> Localsself __builtin__.LibraryResource instance @ 0x40fef88c
>  <__builtin__.LibraryResource instance at 0x40fef88c> 
> request twisted.web.server.Request instance @ 0x4106068c
>  <GET /library.rpy?media=music&dir=/media/audio/Jazz%20Tunes HTTP/1.1> 
> /usr/local/freevocvs/src/www/htdocs/library.rpy, line 410 in _render
> 408      # get me the directories to output
> 409      directorylist = util.getdirnames(action_dir)
> 410      for mydir in directorylist:
> 411        mydir = Unicode(mydir)
> Localsdirectories List instance @ 0x40fef74c
> ('JAZZ', '/media/audio/Jazz Tunes')
> ('POP', '/media/audio/Pop Tunes')
> ('INTERNET-RADIO', '/media/audio/Inet radio') 
> action_dir u'/media/audio/Jazz Tunes' 
> Globalsutil <module 'util' from '/usr/local/freevocvs/src/util/__init__.pyo'> 
> /usr/local/freevocvs/src/util/, line 90 in getdirnames
> 88
> 89  try:
> 90    dirnames = [ dirname + dname for dname in os.listdir(dirname) if \
> 91           os.path.isdir(dirname + dname) and \
> Localsdname 'Esbj\x94rn Svensson Trio - Plays Monk' 
> dirname u'/media/audio/Jazz Tunes/' 
> Globalsos <module 'os' from '/usr/lib/python2.3/os.pyo'> 
> /Robert
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