On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 04:53, Victor B. Putz wrote:
> OK, after doing searches, looking at faqs, and getting thoroughly 
> perplexed, I must finally ask the list (apologies; seems like the sort 
> of problem that's been addressed before).
> I'm using mencoder with a Hauppage WinTV board on an Athlon 1400 (or so) 
> with 768MB ram.  The quality of my recordings varies; almost all of them 
> have two vertical visible wiggly lines down the middle of the screen... 
> and while some channels are fairly clear (Food Network, of all things, 
> comes through with about the same quality as a VHS VCR), some are 
> execrable (Comedy Central is EXTREMELY blocky to the point where 
> on-screen text is difficult if not impossible to read).
Prbably only 2 options to fix this: add a filter like yuvdenoise to
reduce noise, therefore increasing bit compression efficency; or
increase your bits.  Filters chew heaps of CPU and I havn't tried this
on live recording..

> Additionally, and this is less important (because we use an external 
> tuner for live TV), watching TV via the freevo gets choppier and 
> choppier as time goes on.
OK, I'm stuck on this too, not witht he same isues though. Apparenlty
theres now way to log the mplayer calls.. So you will need to Run the tv
stuff, telnet to you box, run ps -aux to find out what command freevo is

Now, kill freevo and play with the command on its own.  What does the
output look like now?  Remember, freevo is just a front end to other
apps, like mplayer..  You may be better off using tvtime for live
stuff..   If the direct command still looks bad, tweak it till its
fixed, or contact the mplayer list for some support...

> Here's my VCR command line from local_conf.py (the aumix bit is in there 
> because I was having difficulty with setting record levels; now that 
> I've switched motherboards to ALSA, it's probably no longer needed):
> Any help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.  I'm OK with 
> 320x240 (not sure the hauppage can actually record at better--any 
> ideas?), but the blockiness is really unacceptable.

I record at 1600 for live stuff.  Remember this is not 2 pass encoding
so your bits aren't as efficient as with a dvd rip that you can spend
time doing..

> VCR_CMD = ('aumix -L -f /home/freevo/recording_aumixrc; ' +
>            '/usr/bin/mencoder ' +    # Change. Absolute path to the 
> runtime
>            '-tv driver=v4l:input=0' +   # Input 0 = Comp. V. in
>            ':norm=NTSC' +                  # Change
> #           ':channel=%(channel)s' +        # Filled in by Freevo
>            ':chanlist=us-cable' +          # Change
>            ':width=320:height=240' +       # Change if needed
>            ':outfmt=yv12' +                # Prob. ok, yuy2 might be 
> faster
>            ':device=/dev/video0' +         # CHANGE!
>            ':adevice=/dev/dsp' +          # CHANGE!
>            ':audiorate=32000' +            # 44100 for better sound
>            ':forceaudio:forcechan=1:' +    # Forced mono for bug in my 
> driver
>            'buffersize=64' +               # 64 Megabyte capture buffer, 
> change?
>            ' tv://%(channel)s'+
>            ' -ovc lavc -lavcopts ' +       # Mencoder lavcodec video 
> codec
>            'vcodec=mpeg4' +                # lavcodec mpeg-4
>            ':vbitrate=1200:' +             # Change lower/higher, 
> bitrate
>            'keyint=30 ' +                  # Keyframe every 10 secs, 
> change?
>            '-oac mp3lame -lameopts ' +     # Use Lame for MP3 encoding
>            'br=128:cbr:mode=3 ' +          # MP3 const. bitrate, 128 
> kbit/s
>            '-ffourcc divx ' +              # Force 'divx' ident, better 
> compat.
>            '-endpos %(seconds)s ' +        # only mencoder uses this so 
> do it here
> .
>            '-o %(filename)s.avi ')                   # Filled in by 
> Freevo
> -->VPutz

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