Wednesday, June 9, 2004, 9:44:18 PM, Dirk wrote:

> Robert Winder wrote:
>> Is it just me or does the ebuild not install freevo in /usr/bin

> It's just you? :-)

ah, thought so. ;-)

I'll try emerge it again, tomorrow.. debugging unexplained oopses right
now and off course they are not freevo related ;-)

> The ebuild should install everything with the python installer. This
> uses 'python' from the path and it's directories. Please send

> a) qpkg -l freevo
> b) which python

a) qpkg not on my system
b) /usr/bin/python

But again i probably did something wrong and i am sure i'll find what
i did wrong. Thanks for the help anyway.

> Dischi


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