Hi. New here :)

I tried out MythTV for a while, but decided to go back to FreeVo. The
FreeVo interface is so much simpler and easier to handle. Of course, its
less featurefull compared to MythTv, but it's what you (I) need, when
you need it. and usually only 2-3 clicks away. Keep it up :)

although, there is a few features I miss and I would like to see in a
coming version. Few of then has been discussed already though, so I'll
keep it simple.

Installation. Contrary to some others, I dont believe in setting up
FreeVo from with, although some sort of nice installation and
reconfiguring script for setting up freevo and directories and such
would be nice, once its configured, any reconfiguration should be done
through a shell script or a configuration file like present. Splitting
it up into files might be a sensible way of simplifying the problem. Any
configuration tools inside freevo will clutter up its interface imo.

TV watching. This could be made simpler, and if your xmltv file is
corrupt you cant watch tv (guide is inaccessible... Also, the method of
watching livetv used by MythTV and MediaCenter is very nice, although
straining on hardware it would be a nice option. For those who might not
know, Freevo simply feed the Tuner information directly to Mplayer and
out, which is excellent for watching tv on less powerfull machinery. MC
and Mythtv however, uses two processes, one which records from the
capture device and drops the data into a large file/fifo (5GB default in
MythTV). Then it has another process which plays the stream. this allows
for pausing, rewinding and mixing in overlay and osd information without
any further setup. This is a feature which is a "must" in home theater
systems, and I'd like to see that, at least as an opt-in feature.. For
what I can see, some timeshifting capabilities are already in freevo,
but getting it to work remains a mystery to me (not to mention complete
lack of information... )

Consitent key interface. I find my keys for operation mplayer, freevo
and Xine to vary very much. for instance, turning volume up and down and
forward/rewind should at least be mapped to the same keys. Maybe
including some input profiles ofr the applications in the freevo

And the the problem. It seems that for recording my soundcard uses IGain
of my mixer. for looping the sound through for tv it uses Line. for
playing movies, music and recorded material it uses pcm. So, why does
freevo automagiacly mute Igain when playing music or video? it seems
unneccesary and very annoying since the box is unneccesarely useless
while recording... any remedy ?

Long first post.. bear with me :)

- Styx

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