Hi I've just rebuilt my freevo box with FC2 I've tested my tuner card
with tvtime and I can get a signal from composite1 which is where I want
all TV-input on freevo to come from. 

When using mplayer tv;//"whatever" I get a green screen and nothing
playing, I would like to use tvtime for all TV-Viewing and also time
shifting but I can't seem to find out how. 

Also how can I instruct freevo to execute a command to set the channel.
Basically I want to have; 

BBC1 - sends '1' '0' '1'
BBC2 - sends '1' '0' '2'

So to summarise I want to stop using mplayer to view TV and instead use
TV time (I know tvtime works).
Also I want to control an external cable box by sending IR commands to
set the channel, as the input to the tuner comes from composite, I also
want all these channels mapped to my TV-Listings.

Thanks in advance


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