Does anybody know how to get analogue TV viewing in freevo to work?

I am using freevo 1.5.1 (on Gentoo). I can watch TV with mplayer/tvtime standalone (using my BT878 based grabber card).

When I try to watch a TV channel (XMLTV is working fine, by the way) I get nothing to see, just some flashing (I use DirectFB) and then the channel list again.

This is what freevo executes as mplayer command:

/usr/bin/mplayer -vo dfbmga -fs -autosync 100 -nolirc -autoq 100 -fs -slave -nocache tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:freq=0.000:device=/dev/video0:input=0:norm=PAL:width=720:height=576:outfmt=yuy2

To me, there seem to be two problems:

- freq=0.000

This sounds not very reasonable, does it? Does this have to do with the message "ERROR: Unable to get channel list for europe-west" I get? What is the channel list and how do I provide it?
Here is a part from TV_CHANNELS = [('', 'ARD', 'K05'), ('', 'PRO7', 'S11')]. Is this correctly specified? I got that 'K05' information from the cable provider's brochure...

- device=/dev/video0

I want to use /dev/video1, cause /dev/video0 is my USB webcam. I have TV_DEVICE = '/dev/video1' in my, but it obviously does not work...

I already searched the mailing list, and I found something about explicit frequency specification: FREQUENCY_TABLE = {'' : 175250, '' : 231250}. I tried this as well (with both tvtime and mplayer), but I still get the error message "ERROR: Unable to get channel list for europe-west", and TV watching did not work.

Any hints are desperately appreciated,


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