> Hi all,


> i am searching for a complete fxd manual. Wich media types are there and
> wich information tags can be inside. Wich tags can be inside containers,
> wich grafics/font tags can be in wich containers/media types. etc...

A small doc is Docs/fxd_files.txt and Docs/freevo_XML_data.dtd. But a
real doc covering everything is missing. 

> I would even write a complete fxd manual myself, if someone would provide me
> with enough bits of information and a location to upload it. The current fxd
> manual doesn't contain these answers.

It would be great if you could write a complete fxd manual. I prefer
to code not to write docs, so the docs are very bad right now. If you
have questions, just ask and I will explain and you could write a
complete fxd doc. I will proof read the content (not the grammar and

Small doc: we use fxd files in two places: skin and media objects. All
the skin code is very bad documented. The parser is in
src/gui/theme.py in cvs or in src/skins/main/xmlparser.py in the last
release. You can find more doc at
but this may be a little outdated. But most of it is still valid. 

About media fxd files: search for fxdhandler in the code. Most of the
handles have a doc what they parse and who the fxd files should look


Unix is the worst operating system; except for all others.
                -- Berry Kercheval

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