
there is a serious risk in the following musings:

> > One thing that scares me is lack of standardization.  Especially with
> > Freevo remotes, as they use nothing but 3rd party vendor solutions.  It
> > would be cool if we could make a standard remote spec.  The
> > instructions on how to build them are on the site.  It would also be a
> > cool way to make money if we started selling some...  I have machining
> > friends I could get in on it.  There was also an online oriented custom
> > fabrication place on /. a while ago...
> >
> > Anyway, I think that is a ways off and a rather large project.
> A much better solution would be to choose two or three readily available 
> universal remotes, design the interface & documentation for them, and sell
> them via an Amazon associate program or the like. This eliminates the 
> financial risk, but still gives you the advantage a set "interface" on the
> remote. The One-For-All remotes (such as 
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000ALPBA) are consistently
> highly rated. 

The problem with such actions is, that you are leaving the spirit of linux.
The OpenSource idea is what made software like freevo and it's components
what they are today. If you make them commercial, no matter how, you are
discouraging people to contribute.
Standartisation is a good thing, but use OpenSource standards. They are out
there, you just have to find them. I thought lirc was pretty good at that?
If anyone has to make money with freevo (I could understand that, have to
pay my life too), I woud suggest the donation way. Just look at meedio.
Since it has gone commercial, there doesn't seem to be any further
development. People still use it's free precessor.

Just my 2 cents on this...


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