> I had this working over mplayer but I might have been using
> force-windowed in /etc/directfbrc.  It is also very possible to modify
> mplayer and df_xine to display onto an existing window's surface,
> still using the BES.  This way Freevo could startup and maintain
> several windows - for main screen, OSD, picture in picture, video
> previews, and full video.

That remonds me of a design problem. Based on the display we should do
some special stuff in the mplayer or xine plugins. Right now, the user
has to set everything. Three possible solutions:

1. mplayer/xine knows about every display. Disadvantage: every time we
   add a display, we need to expand mplayer/xine

2. The display knows about special mplayer/xine settings.
   Disadvantage: when we add a new player, we need to change all

3. We add a dummy variable display to freevo.conf and do some special
   settings in freevo_conf.py. Disadvantage: we need to change this
   every time we add something new. 


> Dischi, on a related note, I was wondering if you could add a get_
> method to the src/gui/displays/ code that returns a list of (or
> active) canvas.  

Like gui.display.display_stack?


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