Anyone have any clues?

> The remote works, up and down and 'ok' works (the default settings),
> but every other binding isnt working, have I missed something with my
> configuration?
> mediabawx:/etc/freevo# cat | grep EVENT
> # EVENTS['video']['1'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='contrast -100')
> EVENTS['menu']['54'] = Event(MENU_BACK_ONE_MENU)
> EVENTS['menu']['222'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_MAINMENU)
> EVENTS['video']['54'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='quit')
> EVENTS['video']['152'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='seek -200')
> EVENTS['video']['233'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='seek +200')
> EVENTS['video']['110'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='pause')
> EVENTS['video']['232'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='pause')
> EVENTS['video']['36'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='pause')
> EVENTS['video']['165'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='volume -1')
> EVENTS['video']['158'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='volume 1')
> EVENTS['video']['166'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='mute')
> EVENTS['video']['10'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='contrast -1')
> EVENTS['video']['11'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='contrast 1')
> EVENTS['video']['12'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='brightness -1')
> EVENTS['video']['13'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='brightness 1')
> EVENTS['video']['100'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='seek -10')
> EVENTS['video']['98'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='seek +30')
> EVENTS['video']['104'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='seek -30')
> EVENTS['video']['102'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='seek +10')
> EVENTS['video']['222'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='quit')
> mediabawx:/etc/X11/xinit# cat xinitrc
> xmodmap -e keycode 54 = esc
> xmodmap -e keycode 222 = esc
> xmodmap -e keycode 110 = space
> xmodmap -e keycode 168 = Return
> xmodmap -e keycode 222 = Power
> xmodmap -e keycode 166 = Mute
> xmodmap -e keycode 110 = Pause
> xmodmap -e keycode 152 = Rewind
> xmodmap -e keycode 233 = Forward
> # directional
> xmodmap -e keycode 36 = Ok
> xmodmap -e keycode 233 = Up
> xmodmap -e keycode 152 = Down
> xmodmap -e keycode 100 = Left
> xmodmap -e keycode 102 = Right
> #Volume
> xmodmap -e keycode 165 = v
> xmodmap -e keycode 158 = j
> #Contrast/Brightness
> xmodmap -e keycode 10 = 1
> xmodmap -e keycode 11 = 2
> xmodmap -e keycode 12 = 3
> xmodmap -e keycode 13 = 4

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