
I've just downloaded and installed freevo.  

It looks like a fine project ... only one thing .... why in the heck doesn't 
it scan the tuner for channels?  What is this TV_CHANNELS variable all about?

I looked at the wiki ... for hours, it seems ... but I still haven't figured 
that out, and I haven't been able to view a single channel in freevo 
(although I can use mplayer to view tuner channels, just fine).  And it seems 
I'm able to do simple things like view MPG files with freevo.

I've installed xmltv and downloaded the listing to /var/db/freevo/TV.xml, 
but ... I guess this is not usable by freevo?  Help me out here ... the 
project knows all the channels, if it can read TV.xml, right?  So why can't I 
just watch a channel in the listing?

The wiki page at http://freevo.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/doc/DVBConfig seems ... 
incomplete ... at best.  The text refers to "The first line" of the 
TV_CHANNELS variable, but it clearly should refer to the columns of data, NOT 

Well, maybe not "clearly."  I have never set it up, and the author apparently 
has, so I'm probably wrong.

I *get* that TV_CHANNELS has three columns of data.  What I don't get is WHERE 
that data comes from.  It seems like the SECOND column of data is the 
"friendly-name" that freevo will use on the GUI.  And I'm guessing that the 
first column somehow comes from TV.xml ... but ... what element?  That's a 
pretty big file, you know?  Some help, here?  And whereinaheck does the third 
piece come from?

The example in local_conf.py says:  

#The TV_CHANNELS-list can look like this:
# TV_CHANNELS = [('21', 'SVT1',              'E5'),
#                ('22', 'SVT2',              'E3'),
#                ('26', 'TV3',               'E10'),
#                ('27', 'TV4',               'E6'),
#                ('10', 'Kanal 5',           'E7'),
#                ('60', 'Fox Kids',          'E8', ('1234567','0600','1659')),
#                ('16', 'TV6',               'E8', ('1234567','1700','2359'),
#                                                  ('1234567','0000','0300')),
#                ('14', 'MTV Europe',        'E11') ]

So ... 21 is the channel number?  SVT1 is the friendly display name?  
Whatinaheck is 'E5'?

I get this from TV.xml

  <channel id="I12508.labs.zap2it.com">
    <display-name>228 MAXP</display-name>
    <display-name>228 MAXP AL01494:X</display-name>
    <display-name>CineMAX (Pacific)</display-name>

So ... should TV_CHANNELS look like:

TV_CHANNELS = [('I12508.labs.zap2it.com','228','whatinaheckgoeshere?')]

A link; a manual to read; a script to parse TV.xml into something useful; hey, 
throw me a bone, here!



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