On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 19:31 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> From: Justin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.net>
> Re: Playing Shoutcast/Icecast Streams   
> 2005-03-07 17:37  
>  On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 10:28 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
>  > Hi All,
>  > 
>  > What"s the best way to actually be able to play Internet Radio?
>  > 
>  > eg: Shotcast/Icecast Streams.
>  > 
>  > I noticed the plugin "shoutcast grabber.pl" but am unsure how to use it.
>  > 
>  > Can anyone help me out with this? 
>  > 
>  > ps: I don"t want to run a icecast server.
>  > 
>  I added the following line to my AUDIO_ITEMS section ;
>  ("WebRadio", "/home/freevo/fxd/webradio.fxd"),
>  Location of the fxd file is wherever you want, but the fxd file contains
>  the info for each radiostation. Like so;
>  ...................
> [SNIP]
>  .................
>  The only problem I appear to have with this system is forcing the
>  webradio audio to use my digital out hwplug from my soundcard, whereas
>  all my other movies and music use digital flawlessly. (*shrug*)
> Thanks Justin, It worked perfectly. The only thing which is not working
> perfectly is unfortunately the Audio Stream played by either Mplayer or
> fbxine. There seems to be cracks and hisses in the stream when played
> from xine. Is there another alternative for this?? (trying it out from
> my laptop using xine cracks and hisses, xmms is fine.)

Does it crack and hiss over the top of the broadcast? or do you only get
cracks and hisses?  If you only get cracks and hisses then I suspect
(only maybe) that your audio setup could be trying to passthrough into a
non-digital receiver (or some other such mismatch).

It could well be similar to the problem I am having.  Xmms also works
perfectly for me in digital, but only with certain stream types (xmms
does not handle them all).  In my case I would prefer to use mplayer, as
it supports all the stream types.  Unfortunately there appears to be a
problem with the webradio plugin in freevo, where it does not pay
attention to /home/user/.mplayer/config default settings, nor the
default settings  in the freevo video section.  

There may be an easy way to set webradio mplayer settings.. I just
haven't seen it documented.  If anyone has a clue on this, some
enlightenment would be appreciated.



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