
My freevo is upand running, but there is still something  wrong...

I use only keyboard.
Hauppauge WinTv PCI (analog)
Matrox G450
vga-scart cable

I get tvguide working just fine, but channel switching wont work. I even tryed to put EVENTS['tv']['UP']=Event('TV_CHANNEL_UP') and EVENTS['tv']['DOWN']=Event('TV_CHANNEL_DOWN') in my local_conf.py file...that doesnt help.

So now i need to chance the channels pressing "esc" and select it from tvguide...

Volume adjust wont work from keyboard eather. Controls 9 and 0 gives a "volume-adjust-picture" to tv-screen, but volume-bar is'nt moving... However i can adjust a volume in local_conf.py.

Other controls seems to work.... pressing help "h" while watching tv screen goes messed up, like it loses the singnal... In tvguide or everywhere else in menu control-"h" is working.

Tv picture is reasonably good, but it flash too much...

Can you give me a hint what could be wrong?

Hope you understand my english...

Thanks in advance V.S

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