Geert Decorte wrote:

AFAIK (my technical college time is 20 years behind me now) You need to
feed a led with a current of aproximity 15 mA (should have to look a
datasheets for this). Depending on the color of the led the tension could
be in the neighbourhood of 1.2 V

So the value of R would be

R = (UHD - 1.2)/15 mA

This are a few standard rules out of the head
better values:

You have to be aware of the following: UHD is the tension measured without
charge (without led).  The value of R can be a variable of the resistance
of the power supply and the resistor you switch in serie
For this reason R = R0 + R1

This diagram would be closer to the real world

                output       ^^ HD LED
   HD+ o--[ R0 ]--o---[R1]---+     c    |-----+
UHD0              UHD         |---|(-----+     |
   HD- o----------o---------------------------+

R0: circuit uncharged: no led. UHD0: Voltage uncharged.

1) measure UHD0: uncharged
2) measure R0
For this we need one suplementary step:
R' = UHD0/15mA
We connect R' instead of the led and measure the voltage drop UHD'
R0 = (UHD0 -UHD')/15mA
Now we have

UHD0: The uncharged value of the led voltage
R0:   The own resistence of the power circuit
Iled: The current trough the led (15mA)

R = UHD0/Iled
R1 = R -R0

Most circuitry has already it's own resistance R0, so it is possible you
leave R1 = 0.

Afterwards you need to determine the value of C

As Chris Ellis pointed out: T = 2pi.rc or as most engineers use to
calculate 6,25RC

So the value of C must be much greater the the time in seconds it flickers

C >> T/(6.25R)

Karl Lattimer wrote:

After sitting, almost transfixed on my mac's sleep light as it slowly
and falls a little college electronics returned to me.

                 ^^ HD LED
HD+ o--[ R ]--+     c    |-----+
            |---|(-----+     |
HD- o--------------------------+

Now I'm pretty sure this is right, off the top of my head, and would relieve the headache a hard disk light in a freevo can cause.

The only problem is I can't rightly remember the method of determining
values of R and c (my notes are long gone), I'll keep looking, and update
necessary and of course post a wiki. The thing is, what would be a good
timing? Should we try and time it so our breathing comes in time with it
we watch a movie?


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sorry for the second reply,  I also should introduce myself a bit, i'am
currenlt studding for a-levels and will be going to uni to studdy
electronic engineering so are quite ok at electronics.  I have put the
circuit through so circuit modellign software I have and it did not seem
to work.  (this is not a 1005 accurate but i will also construct to have
a look,  it is an excellent IDEA.  I think what we may need is a RC

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I must point out that T = RC not 2pi RC 2pi is used in the capacitor reactance formular but not in the timne perioc for a RC circuits

Chris Ellis

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