Title: Freevo,DirectFB,G400 - Can't get Freevo to display

Hello all,

I can't get Freevo to display when trying to use dfbmga.  This is actually two separate issues?

1)  Both the directfb and the dfbmga drivers work fine when running mplayer from the console ('mplayer -vo dfbmga foo.mpeg' or 'mplayer -vo directfb foo.mpeg'); however, within local_conf.py when I set:

MPLAYER_VO_DEV = 'dfbmga'


MPLAYER_VO_DEV = 'directfb'

and then run Freevo and try to play a movie, all I get is a perpetual blank screen without audio.

2)  Within freevo.conf when I set:

display = directfb


display = dfbmga

and try to start Freevo, I just get an error about pygame not finding the video device.

I'm trying to output Freevo and everything to my TV using the second head on my G400.

Any help with these matters will be greatly appreciated.

-Andrew Jergens


------------ begin error --------------

Error: VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR not found

ROM_DRIVES: Auto-detected and added "('/mnt/cdrom', '/dev/cdrom',


Can't find lsdvd. DVD support will be limited and maybe not

all discs are detected. Please install lsdvd, you can get it

from http://acidrip.thirtythreeandathird.net/lsdvd.html

After installing it, you should run 'freevo cache --rebuild'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/main.py", line 131, in ?

    import menu    # The menu widget class

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/menu.py", line 48, in ?

    import skin

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/skin.py", line 98, in ?


  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/skin.py", line 79, in


    exec('import skins.' + config.SKIN_MODULE  + '.' +

config.SKIN_MODULE  + \

  File "<string>", line 1, in ?

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/skins/main/main.py",

line 51, in ?

    from area import Skin_Area

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/skins/main/area.py",

line 67, in ?

    import xml_skin

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/skins/main/xml_skin.py",

line 54, in ?

    osd = osd.get_singleton()

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/osd.py", line 146, in


    _singleton = OSD()

  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/freevo/osd.py", line 379, in



pygame.error: No available video device

------------ end  error --------------

---- begin /etc/freevo/freevo.conf ---

cdparanoia = /usr/bin/cdparanoia

chanlist = us-bcast

display = dfbmga

geometry = 720x480

jpegtran = /usr/bin/jpegtran

lame = /usr/bin/lame

mencoder = /usr/bin/mencoder

mplayer = /usr/bin/mplayer

renice = /usr/bin/renice

setterm = /usr/bin/setterm

tv = ntsc

version = 2.1

---- end  /etc/freevo/freevo.conf ----

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