On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 10:36 +0200, Stefano Guglia wrote:
> hello!
> I tried to install freevo/xine on a LFS linuxbox without X, framebuffer mode. 
> Photo, video files and music are working fine now, but DVD menu does not, 
> showing "no disc on DVD-x" or something like that.
> If I try to play from fbxine directly ( fbxine dvd://dev/hdb), I can just 
> hear the soundtrack (no video).
> my HW: Matrox g400-dh, dvd-rom (hdb), dvd-burner (hdc), 2 hd (hda, hdd)

Can you get full screen on framebuffer? Previously when I tried, it
didn't want to go fullscreen when playing under freevo. Worked OK when
using fbxine/mplayer on the CLI though.

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