1) The sound quality is very good, Almsot perfect. It is very clear and has good bass however this could be better with a subwoofer.

2) The system is very quite, when idling you can barely hear it. There is only one quite 40mm fan. The hard drive is quite anyway and mufflled by the wooden box.

3) Easy to use, yes i believe it is, altough currenlt the remote is not labels. The up/down lef/right and select key are in a specialy arrangement. I think it is easy to use. However basically if you can use a DVD palyer you can use this media centre. Infact my old dvd palyer is more difficult to use. 4) The project was more aimed at the high end of the market. The main idea was to get rid of the mess from setup where there are seperate tv, dvd, vcr, digibox etc. I also plane to build another version which will be in a sleak aluminium box, about the size of a sheet of A4 but 50mm thick. Do you think this would sell ? I really want to know of your thought on it? as i might try to get a company involved

Chris Ellis

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