Op vr 17-06-2005, om 18:24 schreef Chris Ellis:

> so before blaming thinks on other people check you computer first

First off all, it is not my intention to blame anyone, to step on
anyones toos or too hurt anyone...
I clicked on a link on the website off my favourite OSS project and got
redirected to M$ and that is in my opinion very very funny, so my first
reaction was th send a joke.
Since afterwards the redirect didn't accur anymore I understand that
Dirk didn't understand the joke so I tryed to find an explanation, The
'show changes' link showed me a change, so that looked like the
I'am not accusing you or anyone else, it probebly is yust the law off
Moore but I'll post the original link here so you can try out for you

p.s. If you know a good program that will scan my GNU/Linux system for
warez and virusses let me know ;-)
Groetjes Japie

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