On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 23:04 -0500, Evan Hisey wrote:
>   I have an other wise prefect freevo setup. Sound and video work just
> fine except that the mixer plugin fails to load. I am using alsa 1.0.8
> and python 2.4 with freevo 1.5.3. When freevo loads, I get an error in
> the log and on console saying that it failed to load mixer:

The release of 1.5.3 has known issues with Python 2.4.  I think there
are plans to release a 1.5.4 soon, but in the meantime, if you're so
inclined, you might try checking out the rel-1-5 branch in CVS.  (cvs
-z3 co -r rel-1-5 freevo)


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