mike lewis wrote:
> Anyone had had any luck with these instructions?  Think they are
> worthy of wiki-dom?

Hi Mike,

so far I just have the main menu entry in Freevo-1.5.4 but entering it
crashes (not the whole app though). I managed to get df_xine working for
DVDs last night, and VDR + vdr-xine viewed in df_xine also works, but my
problem is LIRC I think, because both VDR and Freevo are configured for
LIRC, I don't know, will freevo ignore LIRC events as long as the VDR
plugin is active, or does it have to send commands to VDR via xine keys?
How would I setup those with df_xine, provided I launch the vdr-xine
plugin with the "-r" parameter and compiled xine-lib with all necessary
patches? I't a X-less machine, and even on another desktop machine where
I compiled the same xine-lib version, and on that machine, xine-ui too,
but even there I cn't setup those key bindings in the xine-ui setup
dialog, I don't see anything related to VDR keys there...
So, any further hints are welcome :-)


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