On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 19:16 +0100, Davide "dada" Carboni wrote:
> Hi, I notice that the TV recordings are really large files. One hour
> uses more or less 1GB of disk. I'm surprised because the resolution
> I'm using is very poor (256,192).

As Antani pointed out, you're also using a bitrate of 2048kbit, which is
much too high for this resolution.  Note that the math works out:

   (2048 + 128) / 8 * 60 * 60 = 979200 KB

Also, you've specified keyint=23.  This is _way_ too low.  I-frames are
bit-suckers.  The default is generally fine, unless you need better
accuracy in seeking.  But 23 frames is too low, and explains why the
encode is using all the 2048kbit you've allocated to it.

Increase your resolution (to improve quality) or drop your bitrate.  For
a resolution as low as 256x192, a bitrate of 800kbit would be plenty.
Alternatively, you can use constant quantizer, so instead of specifying
a bitrate, specify a quantizer such as vqscale=3.

>  I think that the encoding could be more efficient (I've seen high
> quality Divx movies in less than 800MB). 

Yes, but keep in mind, these high quality movies have the advantage of
2-pass, which will considerably increase quality.  You can't do 2-pass
encodings in this situation, so you're stuck with either constant
bitrate or constant quantizer, both of which are inferior.

> Is there any fine tuning to my VCR_CMD I can perform to make
> smaller files?

I would remove keyint and vbitrate, and specify vqscale=3.  If quality
is still disappointing, you could try using xvid instead.


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