The only cards i have found that work in the USA only receive non
encrypted over the air HDTV. To get it to work with cable in the USA you
have to go thru the digital tv box. Unfortuneately all the standards for
digital TV in the USA are not open. Story maybe different in Canada,
might want to wait for Rshortt's response on that.
I have been looking at getting my hdtv card to work with Freevo but it
currently requires xine and some heavy kernel config. Not very easy to
use at the moment, to the point i am compiling a seperate xine just for
the HDTV tuner. ALso the card i have requires help from the video card
so you might have to buy them in a pair.
the card i have is from and i got the HD 3000.

Michael Ruelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sun, 2006-03-26 at 14:01 -0500, Rick Seiden wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> Before I ask this question, I want to say that I've searched 
>, the archives for this mailing list, google, and a few other 
> digital cable related websites, and I couldn't find an answer.  Doesn't 
> mean it's not out there, just that I couldn't find it.
> So, here's the question.  Are there any tuner cards out there that work 
> with digital cable in the US?  I have Adelphia cable in the Buffalo 
> area, and get a bunch of channels on digital cable, so I don't want to 
> build a box that doesn't support digital cable.
>  From what I've found, there are a ton of cards that support European 
> digital cable, but I haven't been able to find any information either 
> way for the US.
> Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry for the basic/stupid question.
> Rick
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