
> E will only give me a menu such as
>       Play with ALternate player
>       Search IMDB
>       Create Thumbnail
>       etc

If the file is real dual and/or there are subtitles, more options will appear.

> > In your case, you have only one track with both languages.
> Nope. It's One Language per channel/track.
> LEft = English
> Right = Chinese

Again, I think you have only one track. An stereo track has two channels, and 
there you have both languages, one per channel. You need one per track.

> > fix your files, so that freevo and
> > mplayer can see them as dual files, not stereo.
> Frankly, I've never seen dual files before.

To get a "real" dual file, you could use avidemux (avidemux.sf.net). I haven't 
used it for what you need, but seeing the docs it can do more or less what 
you need. First, you can use an audio filter to get both channels in 
different files. Then, you can resave the avi file using those files as 
external sources for audio. First do it for one language, then for the other. 
Be sure to get the audio files in cbr mp3 or ac3. It seems that avidemux can 
handle only this for dual files. I'd try everything ctting first a small 
piece of the file, to save time. When you see how it works, do it for all the 

Good luck


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