I'm running freevo on a FC5 installation.  I'm having trouble disabling 
the Xorg dpms feature.  I'm using an nvidia FX 5200 card with the binary 
nvidia drivers from nvidia.  After some amount of time, my TV-out 
display goes dark.  I need to issue xset -dpms to turn the TV-out 
display back on.  I can manage this, it's just a pain to have to do.

I saw a similar post a few weeks ago.  The recommendation was to include
option "nodpms" in the xorg.conf file.  This isn't working for me.  The 
screen still goes dark, and now, xset -dpms has no affect.

The only thing wich seems to work is to use:
option "dpms" "true" and the xset -dpms when the screen goes black.

Anyone have any pointers on how to resolve this?


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