
Faser wrote:
> Hi Duncan,
> thanks for the help. Actually it seems only to happen if I start "freevo 
> -trace". If I just start freevo everything plays fine, but using "freevo 
> -trace" he is jumping through my MP3's.
> But nothing realy major.
> Cheers
> Fred
> Duncan Webb wrote:
>> Faser wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> somehow I have a problem that freevo is not quoting the filenames in the 
>>> mplayer command and therefore I can not play my MP3 files.
>>> It seems problem exists since I upgraded to 1.71.
>>> childapp.py (139): ChildApp.__init__(), pid=4528, 
>>> app="/usr/bin/mplayer-bin -slave -autosync 100 -nolirc -nojoystick 
>>> -autoq 100 -screenw 1024 -screenh 768 -fs -vo null -ao alsa -demuxer 17 
>>> /data/media/audio/Artists/A/A-ha/A-ha - Take On Me.mp3", poll=256
>> May be ChildApp has not printed the arguments because they should be
>> passed as a list of argument strings and not a single string.
>> This means that mplayer is run directly and not through the shell.
>> Maybe someone else has the same problem, but a quick test on file names
>> with spaces works just fine.
>> Duncan

Same problem here, with freevo-1.7.3 and fbxine as the player...


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